Ordre de la Croix Stellaire du Sud


Known as "Medaille de Saint Georges" because of the design of the obverse side, it is in fact the Médaille de l'Ordre de la Croix Stellaire founded on May 1, 1902 by King Antoine II by changing the name of the "Ordre des Décorés de la Constellation du Sud". Unfortunately no document concerning this medal or the the manner of attribution exists.

But we could find a diploma established on May first, 1903 to Baron Louis de Girardot, Pair of the Kingdom of Araucania, who beceme in 1945 President of the "Société de Médaillés de la Constellation du du Sud".

Looking closely on it, we indeed can see that it represents not at all Sint Georges, but a naked man on a horse, probaly an araucanian, wearing a laurel wreath, and having a sword and holding in his hand an olive branch. He is surrounded of the four stars of the constellation of the south.

By the way, his person is also part of the coat of arms of the King Antoine II, together with the motto "Justitia et Pax" which you can see on the diploma hereafter.

Diploma for the Order de la Croix Stellaire

Unfortunately we dont have the decoration of this order, but only drawings. It corresponds also to the four main characteristics of this order, established by the changement of the statutes by Achille 1er, which are:

  • the white cross
  • the four stars
  • in the center the name of the King
  • the presence of leaves



    Kingdom of Araucania and Patagonia